- Brasil Sustentável: Informação A Nova Moeda Global
- CDC: Responsabilidade social ganha força e poderá chegar às telas da tevê
- CND: “Mercado Ético” exibirá boas ações corporativas
- ECO-21: Estatí sticos do mundo: uni-vos
- Exame: Brasil ganha programa de TV sobre responsabilidade social
- Folha de S. Paulo, Dinheiro: Americana quer ‘economia do amor’ no PIB
- Forbes Online: Show de ica na TV – One Woman Show
- Integracion: “Hazel Henderson: no todo puede ser cuantificado en terminos de dinero, Hacia Un Nuevo Indice De Desarrollo Humano”
- Monde Diplomatique: L’imposture (Prix Nobel d’économie)
- Novae: Brasil a Limpo (CONS divulga documento sí ntese)
- Novae: Brasil é peça-chave em um novo jogo mundial
- Novae: Icons (Estatísticos do mundo, uni-vos)
- Novae: Mentes Libertas (As farsas do “mercado”)
- Novae: Planeta Sustentável (Hazel na PUC)
- Radio
- Sustainable Brazil – The New Global Currency – need the correct date
- Unisinos: Uma nova referência para a economia mundial
- Update: Compromisso com o milênio
- The Tampa Tribune “Indicator Tracks Quality of Life: 12 Factors to Measure Economy,” By Jo-Ann Johnston, September 2001
- “International Fund Strategies”; Issue N 7, December 1997, London, UK
- Connections – Academy Fellow Hazel Henderson recently published a new book entitled Planetary Citizenship: Your Values, Beliefs, and Actions Can Shape a Sustainable World!
- Daytona News Journal “Expert to argue at symposium: One Person makes a difference,” by Derek Catron, September 2001
- Daytona News Journal “World Affairs in the 21st Century: Rethink Global Relations” by Hazel Henderson, October 2001
- Knowledge Management – “Redefine Economics,” By Stuart Silverstone, February 2000
- Legacy – Interview Hazel Henderson, Author & Independent Futurist by Tim Merriman
- Paraview “A Global Acupuncturist Active in the World,” By Alexander M. Dake, September 2001
- Radio
- Red Herring – “Game Over,” April 1998
- The Futurist “The Future: The Greatest Story Never Told,” By Hazel Henderson, Sept-Oct 2001
- ThinkAboutIt – Filling in the Development Blanks, April 2010
- Whole Earth Review – “To Stitch the World Back Together Again,” Issue 87 – Fall 1995
- Wired – “Win-Win World,” Issue 5.02 – February 1997
- World Paper – “Better than B-1 bombers and Pop-Tarts for Afghanistan is the buckyball way of thinking,” By Hazel Henderson, Commenting from St. Augustine, FL, December 2001