Review Of PostCapitalism By Paul Mason And The Winning Of The Carbon War By Jeremy Leggett Review by Hazel Henderson


Reviews PostCapitalism and the Winning of the Carbon War as they relate to sustainable investing in the face of global systemic change and paradigm shifts.

Shows how social media, fintech and sustainability interact in the face of opposition from entrenched fossil-fueled industries.

Reveals the players too often on both sides of promoting sustainability and pushing behind closed doors to control investment trends for corporate profit rather than a common good.

PostCapitalism: A Guide To Our Future by Paul Mason, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, NY, 2015

The Winning Of The Carbon War by Jeremy Leggett, Blurb, San Francisco, CA, 2016

These two books, Postcapitalism: A Guide To Our Future by Paul Mason and The Winning Of The Carbon War by Jeremy Leggett, track the global systemic changes and sum up the key paradigm shifts happening at every level from global to local and among the new generation linked by social media.

Paul Mason, an economics editor for the British BBC’s Channel 4, has tracked the evolution of globalization as driven by conventional economic GDP growth models. He argues convincingly that this model is now a spent force, with its burden of debt and persistent current account imbalances, currency wars and increasing stock market jitters. Mason salvages from the end of GDP-driven globalization and financialization the good news: The explosion of information technologies and the digitalization of so many 19th and 20th century sectors and business models.

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