The World Business Academy
The World Business Academy Hazel Henderson is a Fellowof this global network of visionary CEO’s. or [email protected]
The World Business Academy Hazel Henderson is a Fellowof this global network of visionary CEO’s. or [email protected]
Contact Us At: Spirit in Business,Inc, 277 Federal Street, Greenfield, MA 01301, USAPhone: 413-774-5783, US fax: 413-773-3948 or 1400 A H Bussum, Netherlands, Europe Phone: +31-35-6951920, Europe Fax: +31-35-6935254, email: [email protected]
The Millennium Project of the American Council for the United Nations University, publishes the State of the Future Report. Hazel is on the planning committee. or visit the State of the Future home page at:
World Futures Society Bookstore also carries Henderson’s books (Hazel is on the Editorial Board of their publications, FUTURE SURVEY and FUTURES RESEARCH QUARTERLY)
State of the World Forum Henderson is a member of their “Commission on Globalization”, as well as on the International Advisory Board.
Helio International is an international non-governmental network incorporated in France. It created the Global Energy Sustainability Observatory and nodes of observers-reporters around the world to assess and monitor the contribution of energy policies and systems to sustainable development. The members of its Board of Administration, its Steering Group, and its Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee, …
World Talk Radio, Inc. is the largest Internet Talk station Talk Radio interview with Jason Merchey (Past Show Archives available!)
Friends of the Earth Check out these two free reports: “Greens Scissors Report: Cutting Wasteful and Environmentally Harmful Spending” and “Liscense to Loot: The MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investment) and How To Stop It.” “Two Essential Reports for Global Citizens.” Hazel Henderson
Calcutta, India Newsletters and briefing papers on globalization issues.
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