Review of ‘Makers and Takers’ by Rana Foroohar as applies to finance and connected to Zucman’s and Waddell’s work.
Review of ‘Hidden Wealth of Nations’ by Gabriel Zucman as applies to finance and connected to Foroohar’s and Waddell’s work.
Review of ‘Change for the Audacious’ by Steve Waddell as applies to finance and connected to Foroohar’s and Zucman’s work.
MAKERS AND TAKERS by Rana Foroohar, Crown Business, New York, 2016.
THE HIDDEN WEALTH OF NATIONS by Gabriel Zucman, University of Chicago, 2016.
CHANGE FOR THE AUDACIOUS: A DOERS GUIDE by Steve Waddell, Networking Action Publishing, Boston, 2016.
The reference to “makers and takers” by Speaker Paul Ryan disparaged those “takers” who paid no federal income tax. It was echoed by Mitt Romney of Bain Capital and by Republicans in the 2012 election campaign. Author Rana Foroohar, TIME (NYSE:TIME) business and CNN’s economics columnist, reverses this meme in Makers and Takers, identifying financial players as the takers predating on those makers who produce real goods and services. This paradigm shift, upending politics in the USA and Europe, targets laissez faire, “trickle down” economics and its cognitive capture of politicians, academics and public policy since the Reagan-Thatcher years. In spite of billions spent on buttressing this economic model and its metrics dominating globalization, trade deals, privatization and today’s resulting financialization in most countries, today alternative paradigms and politics are breaking through. Elites are targeted as the tax-dodging 1% rigging our economies by many populist politicians now dominating polls and elections on both sides of the Atlantic.