Book Review: Quest for Exceptional Leadership-Mirage to Reality by Ravi Chaudhry

We are happy to announce the release of the 2nd Edition in 2016!  We are proud that author Ravi Chaudhry is a member of our Advisory Board.

Read editor-in-chief Hazel Henderson’s full review from 2011 on

Quest for Exceptional Leadership: Mirage to Reality by Ravi Chaudhry

Indian business leader Ravi Chaudhry has written the best handbook for corporate executives in years. His call for exceptional leadership is based on the new realities of our multi-polar world beyond the trite formulas of the business and financial media. Chaudhry is precise, with hundreds of examples illustrating his strategies and recommendations. He is one of the new voices showing new ways ahead.

– Hazel Henderson, founder of Ethical Markets Media, USA, futurist and economist.