“Quality of Life: A Deeper Dialog with Your Clients,” JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL ESTATE PLANNING (June 2000) |
“The New Attention Economy,” ENTERPRISING WOMEN (Summer 2000) |
“Globalization: Good News, Bad News,” TOMORROW, Stockholm, Sweden (Summer 2000) |
“Redefining Economics,” KNOWLEDGE MAGAZINE, Escondido, CA (February 2000) |
“Global Standards for UN-Business Partnerships,” TOMORROW, Stockholm, Sweden (June 1998). |
“The Global Casino,” CIVILIZATION: THE MAGAZINE OF THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Special Issue edited by Vaclav Havel, Washington DC (April/May 1998). |
“Who’s Defending the Global Commons?” WORLDPAPER, Boston, MA (April 1998). |
“Looking Back from the 21st Century,” World Futures Studies Federation’s FUTURES BULLETIN, Vol. 23, #1 (April 1997). |
“Life Beyond Global Economic Warfare,” ENTERPRISING WOMEN, Vol. 3, #1, pp 18-20 (February/March 1997). |
“The New Information Wars,” INTERPRESS SERVICE (March 1997). |
“What’s Next in the Great Debate About Measuring Wealth and Progress?” THE AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS NETWORK REPORT, Vol.5, #1, pp. 3-8 (January 1997). |
“Choosing a Win-Win World,” World Business Academy’s PERSPECTIVES, Vol. 10, #2, pp. 5-16 (San Francisco,1996). |
“Introducing Competition to the Global Currency Markets” co-authored with Alan F. Kay. FUTURES, Vol. 28, #4, pp. 3OS-324 (May 1996). |
“What’s Next in the Great Debate about Measuring Wealth and Progress?” CHALLENGE, Vol. 39, #6 (December 1996). |
“The Attention Economy,” TIME LINE Issue #24 (November/December 1995). |
“Redefining Wealth,” OUR PLANET. United Nations Environment Programme, Vol.7, #1 (March 1995). |
“New Markets and New Commons: Opportunities in the Global Casino,” in FUTURES special issue, “The United Nations at Fifty: Policy and Financing Alternatives,” Elsevier Science, Ltd. (London, UK, March 1995). |
“Foreword,” for EXPLORING OUR ENVIRONMENTAL CONNECTIONS by Eleanor Schuster. Publication Development Co., 1995. |
“Information: the World’s New Currency Isn’t Scarce,” World Business Academy’s PERSPECTIVES (San Francisco, CA, September 1994). |
“Paradigms In Progress,” HEALTHCARE FORUM (San Francisco, CA, October 1994). |
“Eco-Tourism: the Greening of the Global Economy,” FUTURES RESEARCH QUARTERLY, p. 19 (Fall 1994). |
“Paths to Sustainable Development: the Role of Social Indicators,” FUTURES, pp. 125-137, Vol. 26, #2 (UK, March 1994). |
“Feeding on the Numbers,” THE WORLDPAPER, pp. 1-2, Vol. XVI, # 3, Boston, MA (March 1994). |
“Foreword” to THE FORESIGHT PRINCIPLE: CULTURAL RECOVERY IN THE 21ST CENTURY by Richard A. Slaughter (December 1993). |
“Global Networks,” IN CONTEXT, #13, pp. 45-47 (Fall 1993). |
“Shifting Gears: From Economic Growth to Human Development,” RESURGENCE Magazine, pp. 10-13, #58 (May/June 1993). |
“Social Innovation and Citizen Movements,” FUTURES, pp. 322-338, Vol. 25, #3 (UK, April 1993). |
“What is Authentic Wealth?” ORION (January 1993). |
“Perfecting Democracy’s Tools,” NEW PERSPECTIVE QUARTERLY, Vol. 9, #4 (Fall 1992). |
“New Indicators for a Changing World,” ECODECISION, pp. 61-63 (June 1992). |
“What I Would Do If President,” a series of articles by guest writers for ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION, p. 35 (Spring1992). |
“Restructuring the Economy for the 1990s,” POSITIVE ALTERNATIVES (Winter 1992). |
“Tracking the New Breed of Indicators,” THE WORLDPAPER, p.13, Boston, MA (February 1992). |
“Population: Its Rights and Resources,” THE WORLDPAPER, Boston, MA (April 1991). |
“New Markets, New Commons, New Ethics: a Guest Essay,” ACCOUNTING, AUDITING & ACCOUNTABILITY JOURNAL, Vol. 4, #3, pp. 72-80 (1992). |
“Beyond Economics: New Indicators for Cultural Specific, Sustainable Development,” DEVELOPMENT, pp. 3-4 (Rome, Italy, 1990). |
“Measuring Progress: Not by GNP Alone,” WORLDPAPER, p.6, Boston, MA (September 1990). |
“Think Globally, Small-Business Owners: A Futurist’s Advice,” SMALL BUSINESS FORUM, pp. 36-39. University of Wisconsin (Madison, WI, Fall 1990). |
“Thinking Globally–Acting Locally,” EMPLOYMENT MATTERS, Vol. 1, #5, p. 5 (New Zealand Dept. of Labor, August 1990). |
“Beyond Economism,” INTERNATIONAL SYNERGY JOURNAL, #9 (Santa Fe, NM, Summer, 1990). |
“From Economism to Systems Theory,” TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING & SOCIAL CHANGE, Vol. 37, #3, pp. 213-233 (New York, NY, May 1990). |
“Mutual Development,” FUTURES, London, UK (December 1989). |
“Toward Holistic Human Relationships,” FUTURES, London, UK (December 1988). |
“The Real Cost of Progress,” BUSINESS & SOCIETY REVIEW, #66 (Summer 1988). |
“Living Earth’s Lessons,” excerpt from the Schumacher Lecture, October 1987. ONE EARTH, Findhorn Foundation, Vol. 8, #1, Forres, Scotland, 1988. |
“Mutually Assured Development,” PLOWSHARE PRESS. Center for Economic Conversion, Mountainview, CA (Autumn 1987). |
“China: Key Player in a New World Game,” FUTURES RESEARCH QUARTERLY, Vol. 3,#3, p. 29, Washington, DC (Fall 1987). |
“The Three Zones of Transition: A Guide to Riding the Tiger of Change,” FUTURE RESEARCH QUARTERLY, Vol. 2, #1, p. 19 (Spring 1986). |
“The Age of Light,” THE FUTURIST, Vol. 20 #4, p. 56 (July/August 1986). |
“Alternative Economics,” INQUIRY, Vol. 3, #6, (London, UK, June 1986). |
“Post-Economic Policies for Post-Industrial Societies,” REVISION, Vol. 7, #2 (Winter/Spring 1984-85). |
“The Counter-Economy,” RESURGENCE, Vol. 96 (UK, January/February 1983). |
“Change or Crack! Industrialized Societies Face Collapse or Transformation,” DEVELOPMENT FORUM, (United Nations, New York, NY, April 1982). |
“Decision-Making in the Solar Age: Ecological Criteria,” HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, Vol. 20, #3 (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Fall 1981). |
“The Coming Solar Age,” NATIONAL FORUM, Journal of Phi Beta Kappa, p. 13 (Summer 1981). |
“Re-Thinking the Economics of World Trade,” RAIN (Portland, OR, May 1981). |
“Dissecting the Declining Productivity Flap,” TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, Vol. 18, #2 (New York, October 1980). |
“Interdependence: Governments Failing to Cope with the Needs of a Crowded Planet,” TORONTO GLOBE AND MAIL, Science Section (July 14, 1980). |
“The New Counter-Economics,” CRY CALIFORNIA, Vol. 15, #3 (Summer 1980) |
“The Informal Economy,” RESURGENCE (UK, November/December 1979). “Forecast for the 1980s: A New Age of Decentralism,” New age (Boston, MA, August 1979). |
“Six Historic Transitions toward the Solar Age,” RESURGENCE (UK, July/August 1979). |
“The End of Flat Earth Economics,” ALTERNATIVES, Vol. 8, #1 (York University, Ontario, Canada, Winter 1978). |
“The Revolution from Hardware to Software,” TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, Vol. 12, #4 (December 1978). |
“The Changing Corporate-Social Contract,” HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, Vol. 17, #4 (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Fall 1978). |
“Comment on the Carter Administration,” CONSERVER SOCIETY NOTES (York University, Ontario, Canada, Summer 1978). |
“An Energy Paradigm Shift is in Progress,” SOLAR AGE (Manchester, New Hampshire, August, 1978). |
“Risk, Uncertainty and Economic Futures,” BEST’S REVIEW, Property and Casualty Insurance Edition (Oldwick, New Jersey, May 1978). |
“The Legacy of E.F. Schumacher,” ENVIRONMENT, Vol. 20, #4 (May 1978). |
“The Big New Small is Beautiful Movement,” BUSINESS AND SOCIETY REVIEW, Vol. 23 (New York, Fall 1977). |
“Re-Defining the Rights and Responsibilities of Capital,” MANAGEMENT REVIEW, American Management Association (New York, October 1977). |
“Economists Who Look Backward Cannot Help Us Go Forward,” VIEWPOINT, Washington Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO, Vol. 7, #4 (4th Quarter, 1977) |
“Testimony Before the Joint Economic Committee, 94th Congress,” ALTERNATIVES (York University, Ontario, Canada, Spring 1977). |
“Constraints Affecting the Future of the Packaging Industry,” HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Spring 1977). |
“Inflation: The View Beyond Economics,” PLANNING REVIEW, North American Society of Corporate Planners, Vol. 5, #2 (March 1977). |
“Citizen Movements for Greater Global Equity,” INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, Vol. XXVIII, #4 (Paris, France, 1976). |
“How to Cope with Organizational Future Shock,” MANAGEMENT REVIEW, Journal of the American Management Association, Vol. 65, #7 (July 1976). |
“A Farewell to The Corporate State,” BUSINESS AND SOCIETY REVIEW, Vol. 17 (New York, Spring 1976). |
“The End of Economics,” THE ECOLOGIST, Vol. 6, #4 (UK, May 1976). |
“Ideologies, Myths and Paradigms: Changes in Our Operative Social Values,” LIBERAL EDUCATION, Vol. LXII, #2 (May 1976). |
“Re-Examining the Goals of Knowledge,” PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW, prepared for the Sub-Committee on Methodology, US Congress Office of Technology Assessment (Washington, DC, January-February 1975). |
“The Decline of Jonesism,” THE FUTURIST (October 1974). |
“Sub-Optimizing Ethics,” THE MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, Vol. 8, #8 (New York, September 1974). |
“The Entropy State,” PLANNING REVIEW, Vol. 2, #3 (April-May 1974). |
“Report from Tokyo,” SATURDAY REVIEW (December 8, 1973). |
“Ecologists Versus Economists,” HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, Vol. 51, #4 (July-August 1973). |
“The Limits of Traditional Economics,” Copyright 1973, CFA Institute. Reproduced and republished from the Financial Analysts Journal with permission from CFA Institute. All rights reserved. |
“Towards an Economics of Ecology,” COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF WORLD BUSINESS, Vol. VII, #3 (Columbia University, New York, May-June 1972). |
“Ecology and Economic Growth,” ECONOMIC IMPACT, #1 (U.S.I.A., Washington, DC, Spring 1972). |
“Value Systems in Conflict: Economics vs Ecology,” BUSINESS ECONOMICS, the Journal of the National Association of Business Economists, Vol. VII, #1 (January 1972). |
“The Computer in Social Planning,” THE MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, Vol. 6, #3 (December 1971) |
“Computers at the Crossroads,” THE FUTURIST (August 1971). |
“Toward Managing Social Conflict,” HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, Vol. 49, #3 (May-June 1971). |
“Corporate Responsibility: Politics by Other Means,” THE NATION (December 14, 1970). |
“Radical Capitalism” BUSINESS TODAY (Autumn 1970) |
“Computers: Hardware of Democracy,” FORUM 70, Vol. 2, #2 (February 1970). (Discusses electronic democracy, quotes Ross Perot.) |
“Access to Media: A Problem in Democracy,” COLUMBIA JOURNALISM REVIEW, Vol. 8, #1(Columbia University, New York, NY, Spring 1969). |
“Should Business Tackle Society’s Problems?” HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, Vol. 46, #4 (Cambridge, MA, July-August 1968). |