Additional Books with Chapters
by Hazel Henderson
THE EVOLUTIONARY OUTRIDER: THE IMPACT OF THE HUMAN AGENT ON EVOLUTION edited by David Loye (London/New York: Adamantine/Praeger, 1998). |
MILLENNIUM: RENDEZVOUS WITH FUTURE edited by Carlos Hernandez, Ph.D., and Rashmi Mayur, Ph.D. (Mumbai, India: International Institute for Sustainable Future, January / March 1998). |
GOVERNANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE GROWTH AND EQUITY, report of the International Conference. Statement by Hazel Henderson.(New York: United Nations, July 1997). |
GLOBAL MIND CHANGE by Willis Harman. Foreword. Institute of Noetic Sciences with Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.: San Francisco CA, Summer 199 |
UNITED NATIONS HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT. “The Truth in Advertising Assurance Set-Aside: A Proposal to Help Steer the U.S. Economy Toward Sustainability.” UNDP: New York NY, 1998. |
WORLD YEARBOOK OF EDUCATION 1998: FUTURES EDUCATION. Foreword. Edited by David Hicks & Richard Slaughter. Kogan Page, Ltd: London, UK. Forthcoming in January 1998. |
THE NEW BUSINESS OF BUSINESS. Willis Harman & Maya Porter, eds. “Choosing a Win-Win World,” Part Six: Working with the Civil Society. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.: San Francisco, 1997. |
TAKING NATURE INTO ACCOUNT. Editor Wouter van Dieren. Springer Verlag: New York, NY, 1995. |
RETHINKING BRETTON WOODS. “Changing Paradigms and Indicators for Operationalizing Sustainable, Equitable Human Development,” VOL. 1. Center of Concern (Washington, DC, Fall 1995). |
THE SOUL OF NATURE. Michael Tobias and Georgianna Cowan, eds. Continuum Publishing: New York, 1994. |
THE NEW PARADIGM IN BUSINESS: Emerging Strategies for Leadership and Organizational Change. Michael Ray & Alan Rinzier, eds. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Perigee: New York, 1993. |
BUYING AMERICA BACK: Economic Choices for the 1990s. Jonothan Greenberg and Wm Kistler, eds. Council Oaks: Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1992. |
ECONOMIES IN TRANSFORMATION. Hans D’Orville, ed. Proceedings of the Inter-Action Council, Chaired by Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Inter-Action Council: UN Plaza, New York, NY, 1992. |
HEALING THE WORLD. Mark Macy, ed. Knowledge Systems: Indianapolis, IN, 1991. |
THE CORPORATION, ETHICS, AND THE ENVIRONMENT. W. Michael Hoffman, et al, eds. Greenwood Press: New York, 1990. |
REDEFINING WEALTH AND PROGRESS. The Caracas Report on New Ways to Measure Development. TOES Books, Apex Press: Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520, 1990. |
THE GREEN FUSE. John Button, ed. Quartet Books: London, 1990. |
RE-THINKING THE CURRICULUM. Clark and Wawrytko, eds. Greenwood Press: New York, 1990. |
COMMUNICATIONS AT THE CROSSROADS. Donna Allen and Ramona R. Rush, eds. Ablex Publications: Norwood, New Jersey, 1989. |
CONSERVATORS OF HOPE: The Horace Albright Lectures. University of Idaho Press, 1988. |
GAIA: A Way of Knowing (Political Implications of the New Biology). Wm Irwin Thompson, ed. Lindisfame Press: New York, 1987. |
WHAT I HAVE LEARNED: Thinking About the Future, Then and Now. Michael Marien & Lane Jennings, eds. Greenwood Press: New York, 1987. |
CRITICAL QUESTIONS ABOUT NEW PARADIGM THINKING. Anderson, Callenbach, Capra, Spretnak, eds. Symposium of the Elmwood Institute, Nov. 1985. Revision: Vol. 9, #1, 1986. |
THE LIVING ECONOMY: A New Economics in the Making. Paul Ekins, ed. Routledge & Kegan Paul: London, 1986. |
THE GLOBAL ECONOMY: Today, Tomorrow and the Transition. Howard Didsbury, Jr., ed. World Future Society: Washington, DC, 1985. |
THE DYNAMICS OF ORGANIZATION THEORY. John F. Veiga & John N. Yanouzas, eds. New York, Los Angeles, 1984. |
CORPORATIONS AND THE ENVIRONMENT. Bruner, Miller, Stockholm, eds. (Afterword by William D. Ruckelshaus) Stanford Univ. Press: California, 1981. |
THE BOOK OF PREDICTIONS. Wallechinsky, Wallace, Wallace, eds. William Morrow & Co., Inc.: New York, 1980. |
THROUGH THE 80S. Frank Feather, ed. World Future Society, 1980. |
LEARNING TOMORROWS: Commentaries on the Future of Education. Peter Wagschal, ed. Praeger: New York, 1979. |
SCIENCE AND THE CONGRESS. Proceedings of the Third Franklin Conference. Franklin Institute Press: Philadelphia, 1978. |
RELATING WORK AND EDUCATION: Current Issues in Higher Education. Dyckman W. Vermilye, ed. Josse-Bass: San Francisco, 1977. |
ALTERNATIVES TO GROWTH. Dennis Meadows, ed. Ballinger Pub. Co.: Cambridge, MA, 1977. |
ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. George F. Rohrlich, ed. Ballinger Pub. Co.: Cambridge, MA, 1976. |
ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE IN URBAN AMERICA. James Noel Smith, ed. The Conservation Foundation: Washington, DC, 1974. |
INFORMATION REVOLUTION. Donald Lamberton, ed. THE ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science: Philadelphia, 1974. |
SELECTED READINGS IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES. Tuck & Denney, eds. Richard D. Unwin, Inc.: Homewood, IL, 1973. |
AMERICA IN CRISIS: Contemporary Political Dilemmas. Raymond Lee & Dorothy Palmer, eds. Winthrop: Cambridge, MA, 1972. |