January 14-16 |
Salt Lake City, Utah |
“Media that Matters”
A Gathering at Sundance Village
Hazel will discuss her TV series
“Ethical Maketplace” |
January 19-22 |
Sao Paulo,
Media interviews and meetings co-sponsored by Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social, Brasilian chapters of the World Business Academy, Spirit in Business and the Brasilian Future Society. |
Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social
Lídia Helena Dias de Oliveira
Rua Francisco Leitão, 469 – conjunto 1407, 05414-020 – São Paulo – SP
Tel.: (5511) 3897.2400
Fax: (5511) 3897.2424
January 23-25 |
Porto Alegre, Brasil
“World Social Forum”
Plenary on
Reform of International Institutions
January 26 |
“Meetings with local business/media/economists”
March 15 |
Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
“International Sustainability Indicators Network (ISIN) Meeting”
June 6-8 |
San Francisco, CA |
Planetwork Conference
“Networking a Sustainable Future”
Golden Gate Club |
June 8 |
San Francisco, CA |
“Spirit in Business Conference“ |
June 17-20 |
Brussels, Belgium |
Commission on Globalisation Conference
National Sovereignty & Universal Challenges: Choices for the World After Iraq |
Contact: [email protected]
Phone: 31 70 365-1074
Fax: 31 70 365-1306
Chairman: James Garrison, State of the World Forum
June 19 |
Brussels, Belgium |
Renaissance Europe (RenEU) |
June 27-28 |
Boston, MA |
Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community (UUJEC)
General Assembly
“Economic Globalization”
with a focus on “Quality of Life Indicators” |
110 Arlington Street
Boston, MA 02116
phone: 617/542-0634
July 5-12 |
Lebensgarten Steyerberg,
Germany |
Symposium Steyerberg
“Eliminating the costs of Money — From Theory to Practice” |
Registration: Katharina Weber Lebensgarten Steyerberg e.V., Ginsterweg 3,31595 Steyerberg, Germany
phone: 011 49 5764-2370
fax: 011 49 5764 2578
email: [email protected]
July 18-20 |
San Francisco, CA |
World Future Society” Conference
“21st Century Opportunities and Challenges”
Hyatt Regency at Embarcadero Center |
World Future Society
7910 Woodmont Avenue #450
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
phone: (301) 656-8274
fax: (301) 951-0394
email: [email protected]
Aug. 27 – Sept. 3 |
Wasan Island, Canada |
3rd Plenary Retreat of the World Commission at Wasan Island |
Private Event
Sept. 2-6 |
Zurich, Switzerland |
CSR Leaders Meeting |
Contact: Nick Waugh, Senior Assoc.
Business for Social Responsibility
San Francisco, CA 94104
phone: 415/984-3206
fax: 415/984-3201
October 11 |
Philadelphia, PA |
Philadelphia, PA |
Susan Curry, Summits Coordinator
c/o Alliance for a Sustainable Future
Ambler, PA 19002-4305
phone: 215/591-1551
October 24-26 |
Curitiba, State of Parana Brasil |
“Business as Agent of World Benefit”
Conference |
Rodrigo Loures, CEO
Director Superintenente de Expansao
Sao Paulo, Brasil
Phone: 55113887-6777
email: [email protected]
October 26-28 |
Curitiba, State of Parana
Brasil |
“Redefining Progress and Prosperity: Implementing the New Indicators of Sustainability and Quality of Life
November 5-7 |
Mexico City, Mexico |
Mexican Chapter of the
World Future Society
presents “The Futures of the World – Choices for Mexico |
November 8-9 |
San Francisco, CA |
“Green Festival”
A Project of Global Exchange and Coop America |
November 22-23 |
Berlin, Germany |
“Ethics and Science in Business” |
Dieter Reichert, Culturelife GmbH
AM Eribach 7, D – 82386 Oberhausen
phone: 49/174/924-6694
email: [email protected]
December 11-14 |
Puerto Rico |
Launching of the Alliance for the New Humanity |